What is the average babysitting rate in Portugal? 2023 edition
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Get startedHow much does babysitting cost or how much can you earn per hour babysitting in 2023? Learn more about this and how it differs per city by reading below!
It's time! You have found the ideal babysitter to take care of your children while you take a night off to rest or go out with friends. You were impressed, she lives close by and is available and flexible. Now all that's left to do is decide how much she should pay per hour. What is the average amount requested by babysitters and nannies? And how to determine this value? Don't despair, we've prepared this guide to answer all your questions.
*What is the average babysitting rate in Portugal?
*How much should I pay my babysitter?
*What is the average babysitting hourly rate around the world?
What is the average babysitting rate in Portugal?
According to data from thousands of babysitters registered on our platform, the average value of the babysitting service in Portugal in 2023 is €6.60 per hour. Service costs per hour increased by €0.66 compared to the previous year, since in 2022 the average was €5.94 per hour.
However, the average value of the babysitting service varies depending on the city in which you are located. Based on the analysis of the 18 Portuguese district capitals and autonomous regions, we found that babysitters ask for an average price between 5 and 6 euros per hour.
Lisbon is the city where the cost of babysitting services is the highest, with an average of 6.88€ per hour. In Porto, one of the most populous cities in the country, the average is a little lower, with the price per hour passing by 6.61€. In Coimbra, the average cost of babysitting services is the lowest- 6.26€ per hour.
Do you want to know what is the average hourly rate paid to babysitters in the main Portuguese cities in 2023? See the infographic below.
It’s important to note that this is the average value per hour. It is important to keep in mind that there are several factors that affect this rate. This amount may be higher if special activities such as cooking, or housework are included. Or if there is more than one child that needs babysitting. The babysitter's experience and age are also important factors in this calculation.
Want to know more about the factors that affect the value of the babysitting service? Read more below!
How much should I pay the babysitter?
As previously mentioned, babysitters ask for an average of €6.60 per hour. However, this amount may vary depending on the babysitter and the situation. Factors such as the babysitter's qualifications and experience, the number of children and other tasks to be carried out can influence the value of the service.
Minimum Wage
The minimum wage in our country serves as a guide to determine a fair rate. In 2023, the minimum wage in Portugal increased from €705 to €760. This is a monthly fee and should only serve as a basis, as other factors such as the babysitter's qualifications and experience have an influence on the final fee.
Qualifications and experience
As a parent, you are responsible for making your own decisions and deciding whether you want to hire someone with more experience or someone who loves kids but doesn't have as much experience. Education and experience are not always related to age. For example, a 21-year-old may have as much babysitting experience as a 16-year-old.
In the end, it depends on the parent’s choice. As a parent, you can choose to hire a babysitter with less experience and pay less per hour. On the other hand, you might decide to pay more per hour because the babysitter has 2 years of experience and, for example, a first aid certificate.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the babysitter?
As well as making sure the kids are having fun and being well taken care of, babysitters may also have additional tasks to perform. The babysitter and families can agree on what these tasks are and this can significantly influence the value of the babysitting service.
Sometimes parents ask babysitters to do some housework while looking after the children. Some examples might be vacuuming the floor, cooking, and cleaning the house. If the babysitter agrees, the rate should be higher.
Help with homework
Is the babysitter good at math or history? If the child needs help, the babysitter can help with homework and explain certain subjects.
Pick up or drop off children
It is not uncommon for families to ask babysitters to pick up or take the children somewhere. For example, the babysitter can pick up the children from school and take them swimming. Not all babysitters have this flexibility, so it's natural to charge a little higher for this accommodation.
Pet sitting
According to a study cited by the RTP show Fronteiras XXI, 54% of homes in Portugal have pets. So, there is a high probability that the babysitter will deal with a pet! Taking care of a pet is an additional task that the babysitter is responsible for. This could include walking the dog, cleaning the cat's litter box, or taking care of its food.
Work time
The value of the babysitting service may vary depending on the time of day when the job takes place. It is common for families to pay more for babysitters who work during the day than for those who work at night, because children are often already asleep at night. On the other hand, babysitters who stay after midnight and stay overnight are often paid slightly more than the usual hourly rate due to availability.
Multiple children
Will the babysitter take care of several children? This increases your responsibility and work, something that influences the amount to be paid.
Ages of children
Are the children still young and need a lot of supervision? Then the value of the service will be greater than when the children are a little older and need less supervision. This is because there is a significant difference in the amount of work and responsibilities. Older children can already do some things for themselves, like go to the toilet.
The infographic below summarizes all the factors that contribute to determining the hourly rate.
The price of the babysitting service per hour is negotiated between the parents and the babysitter. Take into account all the factors mentioned. In this way, you will arrive at a fair value for both parties.
What is the average price of babysitting services in the world?
There are babysitters who choose to work abroad! This job could, for example, be a side job during a period of studying abroad, like an au pair, or for someone who moved permanently. There are also parents who look for babysitters abroad, for example when traveling or moving to another country.
Fortunately, you can easily use your Babysits profile to find babysitting jobs and babysitters in 82 countries. Whether you are looking for a babysitter abroad, looking for babysitting jobs abroad, or simply interested in how global average babysitting rates differ by country (based on the 82 countries where we are active), we have compiled them below.
After comparing the average babysitting rates by country, we can see that Portugal is below the global average. The global average rate for babysitters is €8.25. In Europe, the lowest rate is around €4 per hour.
But, in which countries do babysitters charge higher fees? Some of the highest paid babysitters in the world are in Switzerland, Denmark, and Australia. In Australia, a babysitter charges an average of €14.72 per hour, while in Denmark it is slightly higher at €15.39 per hour. The highest wages are paid to Swiss babysitters, who earn an average of €18.78 per hour.
This variation is due, in part, to differences in the cost of living and wages across countries. For example, although babysitters in Switzerland earn more, the average prices for goods and services are also higher than in the other countries listed.
Now that you know how much your services cost, do you need to find a babysitter or nanny? Find babysitters in some of our top cities here: